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A Christmas and Hanukkah Poem

Updated: Dec 29, 2019

'Twas the day before Christmas and all through the land,

the people were stirring,

because they knew what was at hand.

The light was growing in hearts and minds,

and though the days were shorter, there still was time.

The ideas of gifts and "presence" danced in their heads, like visions of possibilities, for more than just daily bread.

Over in the corner of the small part of town,

was a woman whose only wish was to see the crown.

The crown of light upon the hearts of men,

ignited by those whose good fortune intends,

for the way to be shown for each to do their part,

of becoming The New Human that leads from the heart.

For the example was set so long ago,

when wise men followed a cosmic star show,

and a Christed Child came to set us all on a path that he led,

of bridging consciousness for the truth to be spread -

That the way has been within you all along,

and that no power, not even death, can stop the call,

of the Divine Ones incarnate like you and yours,

that choose to birth through the dimensional doors,

and take the risks of bridging the Light,

into the darkest of areas and the bleakest of plights.

These sacred texts of miracles to light,

like the holy oil that stayed lit for 8 days and 8 nights,

are signposts along the path of life,

to guide you and show you how to do what is right.

Like the still small voice inside your soul,

that tells you to risk all that you know,

to come on a journey and stand up and say,

" I am a Light Worker and part of The New Humanity. "

And, so I say to you as you travel in Light,

Merry Christmas to all and bless all with love for life.

By Holly Shantara


Copyright 2016. All Rights Reserved. Holly Shantara - Divining the Divine®️ On The Go Guidance & LifeStar Coaching®️ For The New Human

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